Recent News
The City of Rosston staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Southwest Arkansas Planning & Development District, Inc. (SWAPDD)
"The Southwest Team is happy to announce that the City of Rosston in Nevada County has been awarded $75,000 that will go towards the purchase of a new Fire Truck". Participating in the Grant Signing were Asher Gaddy, AEDC Grants Manager, Ms. Emily Kirby, Mayor Samuel Quarles, and Florence Nunn CEDC Coordinator for Southwest. Congratulations Rosston, Arkansas!
Arkansas State Aid Street Committee
On February, 22, 2021, Mayor Quarles received a letter from Jerry Boen, Chairman of the Arkansas State Aid Street Committee notifying him that the City of Rosston was approved the request to overlay School Street and surface County Road 17. ARDOT will soon be sending constrution plans with a sample resolution for the Town Council to pass supporting the project. The project was approved for $286,288.
Nevada Bluejays
Congratulations to the Nevada Bluejays Senior High boys, and Coach Bobby Mullins for winning the Regional Championship.
United States Census 2020
Dr. Steven D. Dillingham, Director of The U.S. Census Bureau, thanked the City of Rosston and recognized the city as an invaluable member of the 2020 Census Community Partnership and Engagement Program. The City of Rosston efforts were appreciated for making the Partnership Program a success and helping achieve a successful 2020 Census.
Volunteer Community of the Year Award
Effective, January 14, 2021, The City of Rosston was the proud recipient of the Volunteer Community of the Year Award. The award reads, "Know ye that the Governor of the state of Arkansas, reposing special recognition for the distinquished services and deeds of the municipalities of Arkansas hereby awards to The City of Rosston for outstanding civic engagement initiatives to the People of Arkansas during the COVID-19 health crisis."
The City of Rosston Launches a Brand New Website! Subscribe Today!
We are excited to announce that our new website has launched and includes all the information our community needs. Check back often, as we will be adding information every day. Subscribe and receive news and alerts via email and text. Let us know what you think!